About us

About us

We design and develop IT infrastructures and application software solutions for our customers since the late 90s, assisting them in their natural technological evolution.

Open source and the adoption of open standards is fundamental for us, to the point of being leading actors with open source projects like WebTop 5 and XStreamOS.

We are specialized in groupware and collaboration solutions, and developed WebTop and Collaboration Server as an entirely web solution open to mobile devices, today at its version 5. Based on that, we also further develop and help our partners to build vertical integrations that evolve the solution into a real web desktop application for our customers.

We develop storage and server solutions for cloud and enterprise virtualization, based on ZFS, illumos, opensolaris and linux, through our open source distribution XStreamOS; it guarantees our customers the scalability and high reliability of last generation infrastructures: consolidated, secure, open, efficiently integrated, even in heterogeneous networks.

We deliver managed cloud services running on our own infrastructure.

Operating office

Strada 6, Palazzo A13, 20090 Assago Milanofiori (MI), Italy.

Administrative headquarter

viao Fra Cristoforo, 14 / D 20142 Milan, Italy.

Telphone and Fax

Tel +39 028246016
Fax +39 028243880

Operating office

Strada 6, Palazzo A13, 20090 Assago Milanofiori (MI).

Contact us

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