Mail and collaboration suite | modern, safe, reliable.
Provides WebTop as the main access point to the administration and use of collaboration services, in addition to the standard protocols required by smartphones, tablets and third-party applications usage.
Postfix is one of the most accredited software in use for the transmission of e-mails (SMTP / SMTPS); it allows a reliable mail queue management, even in critical situations.
Cyrus IMAP, originally a Carnegie Mellon University’s project, has been managing thousands of email boxes worldwide for almost 20 years, also thanks to the efficient indexing mechanism of information and content.
Open source antispam and antivirus integration via SpamAssassin and ClamAV.
Authentication and database
OpenLDAP is the most popular standard user directory service.
PostgresQL and MySQL are the two reference databases in the open source field.
On-premise and on Cloud
The solution is designed to work both on-premise and on the cloud, even in multi-tenant configuration.
The system benefits from the important features of XStreamOS, starting from the ZFS file system where all data reside, up to the possibility to use the zone / containers virtualization, native and integrated.
Web server and applications
Apache is the most known and used web server in the world.
Tomcat is a Java web applications container that supports the majority of J2EE application standards.
PHP for the support of ActiveSync and web applications such as WordPress.